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Plant pests and pathogens are a challenge for every gardener and the temptation to wipe them out is strong.
We encourage you to resist the urge to reach for an arsenal of chemical weapons. In the short term they may provide a quick knock-down to the attackers, but they may also kill beneficial organisms. In the long term, you expose yourself and the environment to toxic chemicals, and risk disrupting the natural ecosystem in your garden. All things considered, an organic approach is both safer and more effective.
Our Garden Is an Ecosystem
Organic methods of pest and disease control mean a healthier garden for you, your plants and the insects, birds and animals around you. Organic pest controls do not try to eradicate all insects. In fact, the vast majority (95 percent) of insects are benign or beneficial.
Insects play an important role in the garden. Not every insect is an enemy. Some are pollinators, some break down organic matter, and some are beneficial predators that feed on the real enemies. You want to be able to identify your friends and foes, and then encourage the friends and frustrate the foes. Effective and appropriate solutions, such as physical barriers, traps, and specific biological agents, are available to assist in your efforts to protect your garden and at the same time maintain a healthy, natural environment.
Disease can only happen when three things coincide: you have a plant that can get sick (a host), a pathogen (like a fungus, bacterium, or virus) that can attack the plant, and environmental conditions (like humidity or drought) that promote the disease. If any one of these things is not present, the disease will not happen, so prevention involves knocking out at least one side of the triangle.
Care of Your Plants
Insects and diseases are attracted to stressed, damaged or otherwise unhealthy plants, so the key to preventive control is taking good care of your plants. That means paying close attention to them and providing the conditions they need for healthy, vigorous growth. There are a few precautions we can take:
However in many cases even after taking precautions, pests and diseases can occur due to reasons beyond our control. That's when you should use a good quality organic pesticide which provides a broad spectrum control of pests and diseases.
Please do checkout our product range here. We have a curated range of latest and best in class technology based complete garden care products. We would be more than happy to receive you feedback in the comments section. You may also reach out to us on 9712 954 954 or for any product related queries.